Percentage Solvings
- Finding the end number: What is 60% of 30?
- Finding the percentage: What percent of 15 is 12?
- Finding the start number: 55% of what is 20?
- Percentage Difference: A toy scooter cost $15 last year and costs $20 this year, determine the percentage difference?
- A total height of rectangle is 32mm and the cut is made on 11mm inside from the one side of the rectangle, what percent the cut is shifted at ?
- What will be 34.375% of 15mm height, so where the cut should happen from edge of the size of rectangle?
- If 26mm stroke is drawn in height of 34mm rectange, what length of stroke can be drawn in 15mm height of the rectangle and its approx percentage value of stoke length from given stoke length?
- What will be difference of percentage of two values/percenatge difference?
- Suppose you have a product that originally costs 80, and after a discount, the new price is 60. What will the percentage offered?
We will prepare it for you so next time its easy to revise and recollect on your tips!
Geometry Solvings
System of Linear Equation
Real World Math Challenging Questions
- Of 10 by 4 feet sheet of ply, how many cuts of pieces of 329mm by 329mm would come out ?
- Of 9 feet 7 inch by 4 feet 11 inch sheet of ply, how many pieces of 345mm by 290mm size cut would come out ?
- Of 10 by 4 feet sheet of ply, how many pieces of 304mm by 304mm size shape cut would come out?
- Of total number of sheets printed is 5300, what would be the boxes count if each box contains 200 sheets?